
客戶明確放棄其自身的標準條款和條件,即使這些條款是在本銷售標準條款和條件之後制定的。任何偏離必須提前以書面形式明確同意方為有效。 我們的發票應在21個工作日內支付,除非發票或訂單上另有指示支付時間。如果逾期未付款,我的公司保留要求支付固定利息的權利,利息金額為未付餘額的10%。如果付款遲延,我的公司將有權在未事先警告的情況下暫停提供任何服務。 如果付款在到期付款日後六十(60)天仍未支付,我的公司保留委託債務追收公司服務的權利。所有法律費用將由客戶支付。 某些國家根據其國內法律對發票金額實行預扣稅。任何預扣稅由客戶支付給稅務機關。在任何情況下,我的公司都不能涉及與國家立法相關的成本。因此,發票金額應完整支付給我的公司,並且不包括與客戶所在國家的立法相關的任何費用。 我的公司承諾盡最大努力按照約定的時間表及時提供高效服務。然而,其義務中的任何義務都不能視為達成結果的義務。在任何情況下,客戶都不能要求我的公司作為協力廠商出現在針對客戶由最終消費者提起的任何索賠中。 為使其被接受,必須在交付貨物或提供服務後的8天內,通過掛號信件方式通知我的公司,信件發送至其註冊辦公地。 我們所有的合同關係將僅受臺灣法律的獨家管轄。


  1. The client explicitly waives its own standard terms and conditions, even if these were drawn up after these standard terms and conditions of sale. In order to be valid, any derogation must be expressly agreed to in advance in writing.
  2. Our invoices are payable within 21 working days, unless another payment timeframe is indicated on either the invoice or the order. In the event of non-payment by the due date, My Company reserves the right to request a fixed interest payment amounting to 10% of the sum remaining due. My Company will be authorized to suspend any provision of services without prior warning in the event of late payment.
  3. If a payment is still outstanding more than sixty (60) days after the due payment date, My Company reserves the right to call on the services of a debt recovery company. All legal expenses will be payable by the client.
  4. Certain countries apply withholding at source on the amount of invoices, in accordance with their internal legislation. Any withholding at source will be paid by the client to the tax authorities. Under no circumstances can My Company become involved in costs related to a country's legislation. The amount of the invoice will therefore be due to My Company in its entirety and does not include any costs relating to the legislation of the country in which the client is located.
  5. My Company undertakes to do its best to supply performant services in due time in accordance with the agreed timeframes. However, none of its obligations can be considered as being an obligation to achieve results. My Company cannot under any circumstances, be required by the client to appear as a third party in the context of any claim for damages filed against the client by an end consumer.
  6. In order for it to be admissible, My Company must be notified of any claim by means of a letter sent by recorded delivery to its registered office within 8 days of the delivery of the goods or the provision of the services.
  7. All our contractual relations will be governed exclusively by Taiwan law.